Food Surgeon Performs Reese’s Peanut-Butter-Ectomy with Oreo Cream Transplant

Those of you that do modelmaking work know this stress: You’ve got to precisely epoxy this part into place, and you’ve only got one shot to get it right. You also know the agony of getting it wrong, and having to back up several steps to start again with a fresh piece.

Still, the parts you’re working on are model building materials. If you accidentally slice through a piece of styrene, no one’s going to die. Unlike with certain other delicate tool-wielding professions, there’s no chance you’ll cut the surface too deep and suddenly puncture…the sugary goodness inside a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup or an Oreo.

So you don’t know stress like the guy in the video below. He’s a professional, highly-experienced Food Surgeon, probably trained at some institute in Switzerland, tasked with performing the notoriously-difficult Reese’s Peanut-Butter-Ectomy with Oreo Cream Transplant operation:

Seriously though—at the risk of sounding like a troll—I knew guys in the ID department that would put this dude to shame. I’m pretty sure he rips the paper when he’s removing it with the tweezers, and what’s with the nitrile gloves over latex? My buddies Randy or Jay could’ve done this with a Dremel, yo.
