You’ve never seen anything like this new green energy innovation

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word, “windmill”?

Do you think of some Hansel and Gretel-type structure on a farm in the Netherlands? Or do you think of a stark-white colossus sitting on the coast of Scotland? Both thoughts are correct — but neither even slightly resembles the next generation of wind-power technology

Capture Mobility is a new kind of wind turbine that looks like a piece of street-side modern art. And better yet, it has the ability to completely transform the way we think about energy waste

Sanwal Muneer, the turbine’s inventor, describes it this way: “Imagine you are standing by the side of a big, busy highway and you feel a lot of air thrust with the passing by of traffic. Imagine if we could capture this turbulence to generate green energy. That’s exactly what Capture Mobility is doing.” Read more…

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